Mark Garland Session Director with Holly Merker and Tom Reed
Join us for a special spring experience in Mid-coast Maine. Birding highlights will be nesting species on territory and late spring migrants heading to breeding grounds.
The week includes an overnight trip by boat to Monhegan Island, a world-renowned migratory hotspot, beautiful island village, and vibrant artists’ colony. We’ll walk several short trails on the island, enjoying the spectacular scenery while searching for songbirds. Another highlight of the week is an excursion to Eastern Egg Rock, famous for its nesting Atlantic Puffins and three species of terns. Walks on Hog Island and at nearby mainland sites take us to a variety of habitats and, hopefully, a great assortment of birds, which will be in their most brilliant breeding plumage. We’ll visit spruce forests, meadows, rocky coastlines, and perhaps other habitats. Back at camp and on our walks, we’ll discuss details of migration, conservation challenges facing birds, and the fast-growing practice of mindful birding.
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